What Is Brazilian Jiu Jitsu And Why Is It Growing In Popularity?

24 August 2021
 Categories: Recreation & Sports, Blog

A lot of martial arts have exploded into the mainstream lately, largely due to the global presence of the UFC, but perhaps none has been more meteoric in its rise than Brazilian jiu jitsu. What is this new form of jiu jitsu and why is it having such a large renaissance throughout Australia and indeed the world? There are many reasons why BJJ (Brazilian jiu jitsu) is becoming a global sporting force, and it could be the right martial art for you or your children if you are starting to get interested in trying something out. Here is a quick look into BJJ, why it is growing and what that means for you.

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

BJJ is a new incarnation of jiu jitsu that is far more geared around competitive sports than just self-defence. There are methods taught in BJJ that are completely focused on attacking or defending against one opponent, which would not make much sense in a real-world environment against multiple attackers. That does not mean BJJ would not be helpful in a real-world situation, as it certainly would, but for most people's purposes who just want a fun mixed martial art to get into, BJJ is the perfect fit. It is also a lot more aggressive and based on grappling, which is also different from traditional jiu jitsu. This means there is less striking and thus there is a lower risk of serious contact injuries compared to other martial arts.

Why Is It So Popular?

BJJ is becoming popular, as mentioned above, because a lot of fighters in MMA competitions use it. It is great for submitting an opponent and gives you a lot of the characteristics you need to win these fights, from extreme endurance to great defensive and offensive strategic positioning and a good overall fighting disposition for the octagon. At a lower level, BJJ has its own sparring competitions which are more relaxed and strictly refereed so there are no serious injuries, as most people are just looking for friendly competition at entry levels. 

Is It Safe For You Or Your Kids?

BJJ is very popular among kids and adults alike, with many courses available across the country for any age group. Children learn the basics while enjoying socialising with their new friends, and adults can get a little bit more in-depth and technical as they progress through the ranks. Often Brazilian jiu jitsu classes offer free events and open-houses to encourage beginners to come and see what they are all about because most people who are teetering on the edge of curiosity only need to see it in person once to become a regular supporter and attendee. 

Contact a company that offers Brazilian jiu jitsu classes in your area to learn more.
